Sanity Saver #4: Develop Information-Age Life-Skills

There’s no denying it, we are in the midst of the Information Revolution and historians will be writing about this period of time just like they’ve written about the Industrial Revolution. The rules of the game changed. The way people worked changed. People changed.

Over the past few years, lifestyle and time-management authors have been discussing how – in this brand-new Information Age – our approach to work must change dramatically if we ever hope to experience satisfaction with it. With the endless amounts of articles, videos, emails, blogs, and videos at our disposal, it’s easy to feel like there are an infinite number of ‘things’ we must do in a limited amount of time. This creates stress.

So, instead of paraphrasing what some of the experts are recommending, I’ve included three videos that will help you learn how to develop Information-Age life-skills. The gems of knowledge they’ll provide you with will help to reduce the amount reduce stress your feeling this year because they’ll give you a sense of control.

Seriously, take the two hours of time needed to watch these three videos, you won’t regret it! Enjoy.

#1: Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week

#2: Merlin Mann, blogger about time and attention.

#3: David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

So, Sanity Saver #4 for the upcoming school year is …

Develop Information-Age Life-Skills

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